Trainings aim to get deliver the key skills to quickly get up and running, as well as sharing best practices in using Molnix Rapid Personnel Manager efficiently.
Basic training for admins
This is the recommended first training for administrators. It aims at getting the first and most central users comfortable with setting up the system. It focuses on admin-specific areas such as tags and system configuration. Normally, administrators should also take the basic training for managers if they are also using RPM for operational purposes.
1-5 admins
3 hours
In person / remote
Basic training for managers
This is the recommended first training for managers. It aims at getting the key users comfortable with using the system for operational needs. It covers managing people, contracts, deployments and courses, as well as recruitment.
2-8 mangers
3 hours
In person / remote
Basic training for reviewers and other stakeholders
This is the recommended first training for reviewers and other stakeholders. It aims at getting technical specialists, facilitators, partners and other users comfortable with using the system.
2-8 reviewers
3 hours
In person / remote
Training of trainers
This is the recommended for people who will facilitate trainings for other users. It enables your organization to conduct the other trainings listed here. We will share our training materials, outlines, exercises and best practices. with the participants
1-5 trainers
3+3 hours
In person / remote
Tailored trainings according to request
Need attention to more specific areas of RPM? Is there an area that you rely heavily on and want to maximize its utility? Or an module that you want to start using and want a crash course? We will set up a training based on your request.
1-8 people
1-8 hours
In person / remote
Workshops are guided group work sessions where the outcome are results that are directly put in use within your organization, for example in your RPM.
System configuration workshop
Right after RPM is provisioned for you, this session will ensure the system basic configuration is done. It covers topics such as organization identity and visuals, localization and selecting modules to be turned on or off.
1-3 admins
1-2 hours
Remote only
Migration validation workshop
This workshop aims at validating the data migration efforts carried out by Molnix. It is relevant typically in the early stages of your engagement with us, when we have imported the data from your previous database, be that a spreadsheet or other application. We will go through the data both field-wise and in volume, and provide you with tools and insights to analyze the data migration outcomes.
1-5 admins
2 hours
Remote only
Tag workshop
Tags are at the core of the logic how the system sorts, groups and represents information. When used efficiently tags will expedite searching and activating personnel. This is the recommended for admins and managers. Managers and other technical participants will typically not need to be present for the whole workshop, only for when their area of expoertise is worked through.
2-20 admins & mangers
3+3 hours or more
In person preferred
Data protection workshop (GDPR centric)
If you need a hand with defining your privacy policy, data retention, consent and opt-out management, this workshop is the solution. We can share best practices from across the NGO landscape as well as templates to get you started. The workshop provides insight on which aspects of data protection you as the data controller need to consider, as well as what we as the data processor can provide to facilitate your work. While our expertise is within the context of the EU GDPR. we are happy also to liaise with experts in your specific regulatory domain.
1-5 admins
3+3 hours
In person preferred
Process workshop
The process philosophy used is Kanban, a Japanese factory process management model, where work objects are represented as cards and are moved across columns that represent phases of work, as they progress through the factory. The cards in boards move automatically to the next phase when all required actions have taken place. This is the recommended workshop for admins when you feel ready to start automating your workflows.
1-5 admins
3+3 hours
In person / remote
Integration workshop
This workshop gets you started integrating Molnix RPM with a system that functions as the data consumer. We will go through the full-feature API along with examples in Bruno or cURL.
1-5 developers
2 hours or more
In person / remote
Tailored workshops according to request
This aims to give attention to more specific areas of RPM based on your requests.