Best Practices

How to Prevent Sexual Misconduct in Disaster Deployed Staff

The #MeToo campaign and the recent news on sexual misconduct in different organizations opened the lid on a reality that is not often spoken about in the aid community.

It has meant a hit to the reputation and donations to the humanitarian sector and a wake up call to address the failings. In the meantime, there are also many good ideas on how to remedy the situation.

As Molnix is part of this community, the circumstances drives us to ask: How can we help our customers, with our technology, prevent sexual misconduct in deployed staff and at all levels of the organization?

Molnix Rapid Personnel Manager has the following features that let you harness control of your HR process to actively engage your responders, letting you take action against sexual misconduct from arising:


Starting right, with the best people, is imperative. The Applications Module lets you assign experts evaluations on a persons’ suitability to work in the humanitarian field. Beyond just CV checks, this includes interview results, background checks, references and motivation letter analysis.

Competency Management

With our Courses Module you can make sure your members get sexual harassment or misconduct awareness training. Notifications appear in the Dashboard when their certification has expired and the training must be retaken.

Contracts Management

Your Code of Conduct raises consciousness of the responsibility inherit to humanitarian work. If the signed document is missing our Contract Module triggers a repeated alert to both admins and the employee until the document is managed.


Tags are our innovation. Customers can self-define tags, roles and units, in each of the main registers: personnel, contracts and courses. For example, you may have training courses, where the behavioral requirements of aid workers are covered. Completion of the course grants a tag indicating the expertise they have achieved and the tag is required for deployment. Additionally, tags can be applied to background checks and police certificates.


Use our Reports Module to create custom metrics that track misconduct incident-to-KPI ratios. An example of an external metric is incident-to-employee ratio per year.

You can also export the operation staff list to be publicly accessible, ensuring transparency and supporting responsible humanitarian aid.

Communication Logs

Roster managers and HR personnel can add evidence of discussions to the member profiles by creating notes and copying and pasting emails. As Rapid Personnel Manager is GDPR compliant these logs remain and can be a part of your Incident Management process.

We are also looking for interest to add to our roadmap an anonymous whistle-blowing feature so that members feel comfortable in denouncing unacceptable or improper behavior.

In order to be an agent of change, an organization must communicate with actions, and reinforce with systems, it’s values and desired culture. With these Rapid Personnel Manager features we are happy to be part of the solution. If you want to test Rapid Personnel Manager just click here.

Johan Ehnberg

CEO at Molnix

Molnix Rapid Personnel Manager is a cloud application to manage Human Resources, training, and work contracts. It is specifically designed to serve HR needs where speed, automation and support for a global workforce as well as global operations are key.
