Collabora Online CODE in action Cloud suite

LibreOffice comes to Molnix Nextcloud

You can now work on documents with your colleagues in real time in Molnix Nextcloud. This has been made possible by the Collabora Online app, which is the cloud version of LibreOffice. Editing documents is now as easy as clicking on them. This is a huge feature addition to our cloud suite. Hopefully you are as excited about it as we are!


Collabora Online CODE in action
Edit your documents directly in Molnix Nextcloud, in your browser – Collabora CODE is LibreOffice in the cloud

In this initial stage we are running the CODE variant, and depending on user feedback we will look into the best variant for openness, features and reliability.

Responsive and portable

The interface also scales surprisingly well to smaller displays. For example, items move in the tool bar behind a typical responsive design button. In effect, you can now not only easily access your file library on the go, but even edit many of the documents when necessary.
