Rapid Personnel Manager version 11.0 has been released
We are happy to announce the release of Rapid Personnel Manager version 11.0! This is a major release which adds new functionality in addition to the usual improvements. The features in the spotlight are criminal records management and support for the new mobile app. Read on for details.
A hearty thanks to our customers
In this release, most major improvements are under the hood. However, we also include a long list of smaller improvements based on your feedback. Many thanks for your continued involvement!
New features since version 10.0:
- Creating a full REST API
- You can now access the full functionality of RPM through your own interfaces or apps – contact us for specifications!
- Moving to a new platform – we will roll this out in stages so your instance may stay on version 10 for some days if you have customizations
- Upgrading to the newest Laravel version 5.7
- Upgrading to the PHP version 7.2
- Upgrading to the Ubuntu version 18.04
- Upgrading to the newest Laravel Excel version 3.1
- Changing email verification mechanism
- Removing old packages and dependencies and creating new functions for having less dependency
- Adding alert send mass action to personnel search and map modules
- Moving driver’s license attachment from attachments to driver’s license section
- Improving the user experience and fixing bugs on:
- application reviews
- contract listing
- subordinate contract
- excel reports
- course listing
- course applicants
- course date validations
- driving licenses
- person profiles
- personnel listing
- membership applications
- tag units
- system defaults
- login page
- user listing
- database seeding
- translations
Read the full list of features on the product page.