
Our mission

Molnix is an impact business tightly connected with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This means that both our business output itself, and the way we work aim to have a positive impact on the global society, on our planet and on the economic development.

Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Target 11.5: Reducing the impact of disasters

By enabling efficient responses to emergencies, Molnix Rapid Personnel Manager scales resposes from neighbourhood level to all of humanity. As some of our customers like to put it, the response should be “As local as possible, as international as necessary”. Rapid Personnel Manager helps crisis areas reduce the impacts of disasters which refer to number of deaths and people affected, especially focus on the poor and people in vulnerable situations  by increasing the number of alerts handled.  

Goal 9: Industries, innovation, and infrastructure

Target 9.c: Universal access to information and communication technology 

To make the software solution itself sustainable, Molnix RPM is built on open source technologies. It relies on open source platforms, frameworks and libraries to ensure sustainable software stack free from vendor lock-in and supplier risk. Some of the key advantages are cost-efficiency, customization and flexibility, active community supports, security, collaboration for innovation and development, scalable infrastructure, longevity, direct community feedback and request for software’s future improvement, and ethical considerations. 

The most significant choice of open source technology is the development framework. In the case of Molnix RPM, it was concluded that Laravel brings the best in security, available tooling, and ecosystem of libraries for our needs. These enable us to bring the highest possible quality software while accelerating our development rate and cost efficiency by allowing us to focus on our core product rather than re-implementing basic functionality. It also makes it easier to adapt the software to varying needs across different customers.

Molnix is also contributing back to the open source solutions that we use. The contributions include code, bug reports, documentation, testing, funding and providing community support. We are even publishing many complete functionalities created by Molnix as libraries and projects. Beyond maintaining a working open source ecosystem, this also helps our team build a name for themselves and increase work satisfaction.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

Target 17.16: Enhance the global partnership for sustainable development 

We strive to co-create with local partners and works with local authorities, regional Red Cross organizations or international organizations which have local branches all over the world such as Plan International and Care International to help them ensure rapid personnel deployment to crisis areas. 

Goal 13: Climate action

Target 13.1 Improving resilience to climate-related risk factors and natural disasters

This is a software project that will enable the local Red Crescent organization to work more efficiently and provide its services more effectively to the most vulnerable people, both in times of natural disasters and at other times, through volunteer groups.

Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

Target 8.5: Full and productive employment and decent work for all
Molnix Rapid Personnel Manager helps both local and international humanitarian organizations utilize existing diverse sources of personnel efficiently. Some indirect jobs may be created due to better human resource system at local levels and support staff resource which may be needed on the side of our key partner – The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). We prepare to train the staffs at the central office of the organization to provide support to the local levels as well. 

Goal 3: Health and well-being

Target 3.4: Reducing premature deaths from non-communicable diseases and promoting mental well-being 

This is a software project that will enable the local Red Crescent organization to work more efficiently and provide its services more effectively to the most vulnerable people, both in times of natural disasters and at other times, through volunteer groups. In case of the Pakistan Red Crescent, the indicator for a concrete development goal is the number of people targeted by WASH activities/ Pakistan Red Crescent expenditure (CHF) per year. Based on the information reported to the IFRC, at first, the level of the indicator is 0,024 target people/CHF. However, after 24 months the number increased to 0,029 and 0,035 after 4 years. In terms of implementation, the number of people receiving help increases when the number of volunteers and efficiency increase at the same time.     

Sustainable operations

The momentum towards sustainable operations is gather pace. As a small enterprise, we are aways aware of critical role in the transition to a sustainable future by applying indicators for sustainable operation to all business activities within the company.

Climate and the environment: Molnix takes significant steps in order to reduce the carbon footprint. 

  • Transportation: Molnix allows employees to work remotely with flexible hours. We try to enable human interaction and online conferencing regardless of physical location to reduce ecological footprint from business travel.   
  • Energy efficiency and recycle: Molnix embraces the digitalization of business operation and management. We design software which works well on-screen even for large reports and digitalize workflows such as signing to avoid paper usage and does not require excessive computing resources or processing energy . Molnix also uses infrastructure that relies on renewable energy sources.  
  • E-waste: In contribution to promote the green practices at workplace and avoid e-waste, Molnix also encourages our employees to practice reducing-reusing-recycling in both personal and at workplace. Especially, we pay attention to maximize the life cycle of IT hardware, and source refurbished hardware where suitable. 

Social sustainability: Molnix pays special attention to human rights, equality, and ethical work practices.  

  • Diversity and inclusion: Employees who work for Molnix come from diverse backgrounds, ages, and nationalities. Molnix also supports the flexibility in working style so employees have more of a work/life balance and creates a culture of belonging, equity and fairness in the workplace. 
  • Recruitment: Recruiters ensure to address gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnic and various types of bias in interviews, job description and selection panels.