IT Services

Scoping hardware options

On the hardware side, the open security camera project would ultimately not exist if there were suitable hardware kits readily available. But, the physical device that will act as a camera had to be created. However, to the extent possible, our goal was to avoid starting from scratch. In this post, I describe the components selected and the reasoning behind it.

Read more “Scoping hardware options”
Security camera IT Services

The open security camera project

At Molnix, we recently faced the need to equip an area with security cameras. All of our sites up until now are managed by our providers, including security cameras. However, this new area does not have any. Before we start using the new area, we need our own security camera system. This is the start of an article series, where I describe our journey to having our own, open and trustable security camera system.

Read more “The open security camera project”
Best Practices

Earthquake preparedness in the Philippine context

Before founding Molnix in 2014, I worked as Disaster Management Delegate at the Finnish Red Cross. As part of those duties, I contributed to the creation of an emergency response mechanism called the 10K Camp. The 10K camp is a scalable and rapidly deployable emergency shelter that covers camp materials, staff and services for ten thousand people and beyond. This 10K Camp mechanism is also in used in cooperation with other actors, and one prominent partner is the Philippine Red Cross. In this capacity, I have had the honor of working with the Philippine Red Cross even after starting Molnix, including working on the contingency plan. In this article, I explore the aspects of external staff activities required to make it all work. Read more “Earthquake preparedness in the Philippine context”

IT Services

ISPConfig shell CLI by Molnix

Following our very recent contribution of shell API examples to ISPConfig, the effort quickly grew into a full-blown command line tool for ISPConfig. I noticed the functionality we needed and the script we were building were a good fit for creating a proper CLI. With many other users in the community having expressed similar needs, I realized this was a good moment to contribute. The tool was merged to ISPConfig yesterday. We are currently asking for feedback on the tool’s current state and inviting more developers to contribute further functions. Read more “ISPConfig shell CLI by Molnix”

Best Practices

How to Prevent Sexual Misconduct in Disaster Deployed Staff

The #MeToo campaign and the recent news on sexual misconduct in different organizations opened the lid on a reality that is not often spoken about in the aid community.

It has meant a hit to the reputation and donations to the humanitarian sector and a wake up call to address the failings. In the meantime, there are also many good ideas on how to remedy the situation.

As Molnix is part of this community, the circumstances drives us to ask: How can we help our customers, with our technology, prevent sexual misconduct in deployed staff and at all levels of the organization? Read more “How to Prevent Sexual Misconduct in Disaster Deployed Staff”