Rapid Personnel Manager version 44.1 has been released

Rapid Personnel Manager

Rapid Personnel Manager version 44.1 has been released

Version 44.1 of Rapid Personnel Manager was released! This point release bring some improvements and fixes. Read on for more details.

New since version 44.0:

First of all, we would like to thank you for checking this release. We spend a considerable time to specify what is new to show you that we are working hard every day to improve RPM for each new version.


  • Improved CMS tests.
  • Improved npm package versions.
  • Improved cron validation to check if the expression is runnable.
  • Improved page API and removed unwanted API calls to reduce page load.
  • Improved search date criteria datepicker.
  • Improved login 2FA by disabling autocomplete for 2FA code input.
  • Improved billboard to take the menu item visible to all users.
  • Improved reports by enabling work certificate report.
  • Improved review applications by fixing review scale max value.
  • Improved datetime by removing vue-datetime.
  • Improved codebase, moved models to app/Models.
  • Improve country selector to mark historical countries.
  • Improved CI by adding code coverage.
  • Improved tag automation by adding language selector.
  • Improved process action by fixing decision email subject formatting and form translation.
  • Improved tag automation by adding all courses completed tag automation.
  • Improved person alert statistics to show accurate information.
  • Fixed ImagickException: Unable to read image blob.


  • Fixed shortcut and mass-action to invite user.
  • Fixed helper for model location change for SSO.
  • Fixed data export by changing to count number of phones and emails.
  • Fixed personnel key data print.
  • Fixed contract to person relationship calls.
  • Improved statistics to show accurate information on person alert stat.
  • Fixed notification email to reviewer not working.
  • Fixed cv export by removing unused param $raw from the controller.
  • Fixed api error by adding condition to check if the error has reponse.

Keep an eye on our release notes to learn more about the changes made
