Rapid Personnel Manager

Rapid Personnel Manager version 34.0 has been released

Version 34.0 of Rapid Personnel Manager was released! This time we prepared two great features: reminder pop-up, and single sign on (SSO) foundation. We also took care of other considerable improvements and any fixes needed. Read on for more details.

New since version 33.1:

First of all, we would like to thank you for checking this release. We spend a considerable time to specify what is new to show you that we are working hard every day to improve RPM for each new version.


  • Added a reminder popup which prompts users to keep their data up to date. It can be activated in System->Module control->Show key information reminders. When activated a popup window will appear on login and ask for contact information update if the data is older than 4 months and CV update if it’s older than 2 years. Thank you German Red Cross!
Reminder popup view
  • Added a single sign on (SSO) foundation. When activated it allows signing in using external authentication providers such as Google. Contact Molnix team for more information on this functionality and activation procedure.
SSO view


  • Made at least one current nationalities required for members.
  • Improved a pending review email view to include a name of the applicant.
  • Created a timed script to simulate real time tracking on the map.
  • Improved a warning message when accessing non-existing deployments or contracts.
  • Improved emails data migration logic.
  • Added an email rate limiter, which allows smoother control of O365 integration.
  • Improved a contract print if organization was not set.
  • Added CV into automatic reminders options.
  • Improve delivery status for one of our clients.
  • Improved some proxy parameters. The issue is not visible to an end user, but improves development flow.
  • Implemented code styling requirements. The issue is not visible to an end user, but improves development flow.


  • Fixed an issue related to a favicon on the alert response page.
  • Fixed an issue related to courses start date.
  • Fixed an issue occurred when printing a signed contract. A footer was malplaced.
  • Fixed few minor issues related to chat.
  • Fixed an issue related to license to practise attachment.
  • Fixed an issue occurred when saving person tag alerts.
  • Returned the required state code for fields customization.

Keep an eye on our release notes to learn more about the changes made!
