Rapid Personnel Manager

Molnix at HNPW 2020 in Geneva

The sixth Humanitarian Networks and Partnerships Week (HNPW), co-chaired by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), provides a unique forum for humanitarian networks and partnerships to meet and address key humanitarian issues. HNPW 2020 took place at the International Conference Centre (CICG) in Geneva on the first week of February. Read on for more.

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Rapid Personnel Manager

Molnix RPM mobile app to be released

Molnix RPM includes a smart alert function which we call intelligent alert. With the intelligent alert function it is possible for the roster manager to automate alert replies handling. When a roster member replies to the alert message, the replies are recorded and processed automatically. During the past months we have been developing a mobile app for roster members. One of the key functions of the app is receiving and replying to intelligent alerts. The app supports simple alerts as well as other features. In this post, we explore how the the app and intelligent alerts make your life easier (and saves you on SMS costs!). Read more “Molnix RPM mobile app to be released”

Data Protection

GDPR secure personnel management

As a service provider, Molnix acts as a processor in terms of GDPR. Although we are not carrying out data handling by ourself, Molnix is still deemed to be a processor because we provide cloud services for personnel management.

What are the requirements set for a processor? In this post I will concentrate in the first paragraph of the article 28 of the Regulation. To quote article 28, “the controller shall use only processors providing sufficient guarantees to implement appropriate technical and organisational measures in such a manner that processing will meet the requirements of this Regulation and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject.” Read more “GDPR secure personnel management”