
Rapid Personnel Manager

Rapid Personnel Manager versions 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 have…

We are happy to announce the release of Rapid Personnel Manager version 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3! They were released in rapid succession after 11.0 and the release notes are covered in a combined manner. These are point releases that do not add any major functionality, but improve on existing features.

Read more “Rapid Personnel Manager versions 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 have been released”

IT Services

ISPConfig shell CLI by Molnix

Following our very recent contribution of shell API examples to ISPConfig, the effort quickly grew into a full-blown command line tool for ISPConfig. I noticed the functionality we needed and the script we were building were a good fit for creating a proper CLI. With many other users in the community having expressed similar needs, I realized this was a good moment to contribute. The tool was merged to ISPConfig yesterday. We are currently asking for feedback on the tool’s current state and inviting more developers to contribute further functions. Read more “ISPConfig shell CLI by Molnix”

Best Practices

How to Prevent Sexual Misconduct in Disaster Deployed Staff

The #MeToo campaign and the recent news on sexual misconduct in different organizations opened the lid on a reality that is not often spoken about in the aid community.

It has meant a hit to the reputation and donations to the humanitarian sector and a wake up call to address the failings. In the meantime, there are also many good ideas on how to remedy the situation.

As Molnix is part of this community, the circumstances drives us to ask: How can we help our customers, with our technology, prevent sexual misconduct in deployed staff and at all levels of the organization? Read more “How to Prevent Sexual Misconduct in Disaster Deployed Staff”